Visioner Eyewear – Polska Marka Opraw Okularowych

Imagine a city that lives all the time, day and night, city where biggest brands create trends, and the most important fashion houses show their collections - London

It is here, in the heart of European culture, modernity and design Visioner brand was created. Inspired by the work of famous designers and fashion creators we decided to found a brand that shows what is most important for us

Just like London, we strive for the same ideals... modernity, class, going with the flow of fashion. Inspired by these values, we present you the fruits of our labour - Visioner Eyewear

However, despite being inspired by the European capitol of fashion, we are Polish company. This is where our home is, this is where we work and design our frames, that make you feel special

Our motto is "Passion for perfection" - let us make your glasses not be just an aid for you - they are meant to express yourself!